Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy Easter, Happy Father's Day!

The Hernandez family rules say that the kids must be at least 7 years old to become a pet owner. However, Ethan's prayer to get a bunny overruled the family ordinance. I went by the pet store to get the weekly supply of crickets for Dragon, Christian's bearded dragon. At the checkout, the clerk announced that I was the recipient of a free rabbit with a cage. Apparently a family returned the Easter bunny because their children wouldn't care for it. I knew it was the answer to Ethan's prayer. There is no coincidence, here. Viper, Ethan's pet turtle escaped two weeks ago. Ethan asked and prayed for a bunny. Ethan is recovering from a bruised middle ear and it can be terribly painful. The Lord heard Ethan's prayer, saw his pain, and comforted him the way a loving father would. He gave him his prayer and allowed me to deliver it. Ethan is now the happy master of a brown floppy eared girl bunny he named Bunny Rabbit.

1 comment:

Teachinfourth said...

I stumbled across your blog while looking for my friend's site and decided to check it out.

I think it's great to get your son a pet, however, make sure that HE is the person responsible for know, cleaning the cage, feeding it, and taking it out for exercise. If you don't, he won't learn to be responsible.