Tuesday, June 1, 2010

money well spent

Ethan has been saving his money for quite some time. He had asked Santa for a game gun at Christmas and since he didn't get one, he's been saving up. Just to let you know, Ethan is a very practical person. He is also a law abiding citizen. He reminds me constantly to use my signal. Anyway, I matter-of-factly told him that even if he did purchase the gun from Gander Mountain, we had no big game trips planned and the State of TX will not issue him a license to use it at age 7. Well, that did it. No more talk of moose hunting in Alaska. Now forward to yesterday. He, on a trip to Home Depot with his dad and brother, found his next purchase. He decided to spend his hard earned and saved money on a grinder. He plans to make guns out of our fallen trees and sell them. He was very happy to explain to me how it worked in detail. He has to be patient with me because he knows I am girl.

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