Tuesday, July 13, 2010

chicken and eggs

This morning I met with my neighbor Linda to get the coop, I am mean scoop on chicken raising. Her flock of six is now 2 mos. old. She graciously offered to let us borrow her supplies as their new, bigger coop will be completed this weekend. We are contemplating broilers and hens. I am trying to find some wisdom. We only have space to keep them together and I am thinking that will not be a good idea since in 6 weeks the broilers will be huge and they could attack our smaller hens. I bought the book Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens by Gail Damerow and had lent it to my neighbor since she was a head of me in the attempt. I was impressed with her new coop and gleaned some good ideas from her. I am hoping to receive them in two-three weeks. I'll keep you posted.

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