Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Espanol anyone

Albert and I were working on our Spanish tonight with a new program called Mango.  It was very informative and used repetition to teach.  They start at the very beginning which is helpful.  I'll keep you updated as to its effectiveness in teaching us the language. 


Unknown said...

I have always dreamed of teaching my family Greek. I think it would be so wonderful to translate the New Testament for ourselves. Alas, I've had the curriculum for 3 years now and we know the first 3 letters. A letter a year. I need to pick up the pace a bit.

Good to "see" you here. Head over to our blog to see how our life has taken a turn for the better!

Miss you.

Sheila's Community said...

I wish my great friend would start blogging again. I loved keeping up with her. :-)