Friday, July 18, 2008

VBS praises

What an incredible week! I was blown away by everything that was experienced. The kids loved every minute of it and didn't want it to end. I have been praying for this event for 4 months. I can honestly say the Lord wowed me. 26 kids accepted the Lord including our own beloved son Christian. I got the blessing of praying with him after Yvonne came and got me saying he raised his hand in the Bible story time. It was hard to keep from falling apart when she told me. I was honored to share with 5 young women about living the Christian life daily and while I was doing that my own son was realizing his need for a Savior. Kara decided she would forego wearing the T-shirt all week because she had to wear the new dresses McKenna Meadors gave her. Ethan wanted to go with Bubbie but everytime I saw him he was having a blast. I got to be the crew leader for 5 awesome kids Riley, Lacey, Justin, Cody, and Austin. They had such a team spirit. We had a lot of fun writing "thank yous" and delivering them. I was also blessed to be "Mrs. Barnabas" as Pastor Steve called me all week encouraging the workers. It was so much fun using my spiritual gift of exhortation/encouragement. The prayer room was a hit and we got lots of requests for prayer from the workers and children this week. We prayed and praised all week during the morning devotion. On Friday, Albert got to work with the Bible study group and they were learning about Pentecost. Albert was a Mexican missionary who spoke Spanish and he was saying that Jason Farra was a crazy gringo that brought him here from Mexico and he was trying to tell him about Jesus but he couldn' t understand. The kids that know him were shocked that he spoke Spanish. They just kept staring. Gabrielle Keith, our pastor's daughter actually touch Albert and said with wide eyes in disbelief "you're Mexican?!" It was hilarious. Albert was glad he got to be apart of VBS this week too. We concluded our week by sliming Mrs. Carrie and the kids loved it. We then had kids spreadout in the gym making the word "thanks" with their bodies. We hope to use it to send everyone involved a thank you card. We had a blessed, enriching week. What's next did actually come out of my mouth....

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