Tuesday, May 24, 2011


We've been blessed to have Brooke, 3 and Zachary, 2 coming to play for the last 7 weeks.  We've called it Cousin Camp.  During their daily visits, we learn catechism together, snack, nap/rest, and play!  We've got to take some field trips too.  We have visited the garden/nursery in Tomball called Arbor Gate.  Check out their website and visit them if you haven't been.  We also went to the Crighton Theater in Conroe to see the CYT performance of Willie Wonka Jr.   Our bi-weekly trip to Costco was also a treat as we enjoyed pizza each time. We are so thankful to have grown closer to them and have been refreshed by their young amazement and joy.  We will miss them so much after next week. 

1 comment:

Sheila's Community said...

So excited to see your blog back up. Beautiful background!