Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Animal rescuers

We had quite an exciting afternoon yesterday. The kids were eating popcorn for an afternoon snack when Christian raced outside to rescue a green goldfinch. He was in the paws of our cat Pony. We tried to let him go in the front yard but he was stunned. After putting him in the pet carrier, I tried to find out what type of bird he was and how to care for him. I looked on the TX Wildlife website and found an animal rehabilitator in The Woodlands. We gave her a call and then head her way. In route, the bird escaped out of the pet carrier and into the car. I pulled over and had Christian look for it. 20 minutes later, we still couldn't find it!! A man stop by us to asked if we needed help. I just said no thank you thinking how crazy it would be to say I've lost a bird in my Toyota Camry!!! We decided to continue towards the lady's house even though we didn't have the wildlife we rescued. We spent another 15 minutes searching the car, taking out car seats, in search of the little bird. Finally, Christian found him under the steering column hiding. Sherron, the bird lady, took him and settled him in a cage. She showed us the other animals she was caring for and her two personal birds a finch who is 12 yrs. old and a parakeet who is 13 yrs old.
I told her of our wildbird in HI who was a house finch named Chicken. He only lived a year and died when we went to see Mama Elkin in TX as she was dying. Although our neighbors cared for him, he missed us too much and died. It was very sad especially after returning from a funeral.
I called her today and found out he didn't make it through the night. The kids were comforted knowing he was in Heaven with our other pets.

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