The red potatoes continue to be mined and boy are they yummy! I didn't realize the difference in cooking them though. It takes twice as long to bake them. I guess because they are so fresh. Also we either got our first zucchini or cucumber!! The bugs are getting the broccoli though. The children are really heartbroken over that.
Monday, May 31, 2010
more harvesting
The red potatoes continue to be mined and boy are they yummy! I didn't realize the difference in cooking them though. It takes twice as long to bake them. I guess because they are so fresh. Also we either got our first zucchini or cucumber!! The bugs are getting the broccoli though. The children are really heartbroken over that.
project time
Our calendar has been marked for the Memorial holiday to be a work day. We are getting the master bath in order. The Lord has really been convicting us of not taking care of it and completing our home. We do not want to get in the way of His plans for us by continuing in our disobedience! We are thankful for all the rest we have received and realize now we must get back to work. Please pray for safety and our time to be used wisely in the next two days. Please don't feel sorry for us because we make a bunch of BBQ to chow down on.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
On our Galveston trip we did some crabbin' and were able to bring home 3 of the tasty critters. We had to freeze them because we didn't have time to cook them up. So last night we got a chance to have a crab broil. They tasted delicious. Next time we go to the beach, I am bringing charcoal and my big crab pot.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Saturday clean up
Back to life and clean up. I finished cleaning the inside of the truck and now it needs a bath. The children got the bathrooms cleaned and upstairs vacuumed. I need to check their tub and then start cooking for tomorrow. We have a fellowship meal every Sunday and are asked to make enough food for us and another family. I also need to weed the flowerbeds and the garden. Albert is working today.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Friday fellowship
After cleaning up everything from the beach trip, we went over to the Vaughn's. The Mazyn's were there as well. Time in the pool was enjoyed while the adults discussed all the Lord is teaching us. Albert joined us after work and enjoyed visiting with Stuart. We shared Mexican food and good conversation. It was another day of rest from the Lord.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
late spring break
With all that went on with my Uncle, we had to fore go spring break this year. However, the Lord blessed us with a rest and the children and I were able to go with Albert to Galveston while he attended a two day class there.
The morning before his class they got to fish. It reminded us of our beach life in HI. We dropped him off at 8:00am and began exploring. We found the Galveston Island State Park and toured it. It had been really beat up because of Ike. We found a cove with a covered picnic area. Christian had brought the net and he and his siblings spent the morning chasing blue crabs. We called Granny and Granddaddy and asked them about the crabbin' rules. They caught quite a few and had a blast. Although hot, the shade of the awning provided relief. We had a picnic there and then headed off for more exploration. We checked out the beach and decided to head there after picking up Dad. Mosquitoes were quite vicious there. They attacked in swarms. We have battle scars to prove it! After picking Albert up, we made our way back to the beach and enjoyed swimming late into the evening. We then attempted some night fishing near 39th Street but the tide coming in thwarted our efforts.
Thursday we got another early start and did some more fishing. Then had to check out of La Quinta and made our way to the beach at 39th Street so Daddy could walk to meet us after his class. Our friends, the Holder's, were able to join us for the day. We were joined by Albert at noon. We had a dilemma that day however. The previous day as we were leaving the state park, I saw a sign stating that the water would be shut off the following day. Well, I was quite upset considering we had invited guests! I called the visitor's center and was informed that the only other water available beach was Stewart's. With the holiday weekend approaching, I didn't want to fight the crowds there. So Thursday morning I prayed and Albert was instrumental in the solution. He told some of his classmates of our dilemma and the VP of Galveston College was so gracious. She allowed us to use the fitness center to shower in. Problem solved. It was two blocks from the beach where we had set up beach camp. The police chief even gave Albert a ride to us after class. Albert was able to meet many of the key officials of Galveston and was impressed by their servant attitudes and care for the people they serve. He learned a lot from them and the Lord gave him insight into proper civil government as God's authority in the affairs of man. Our time there was restful and a blessing. We returned home renewed and strengthened.
The morning before his class they got to fish. It reminded us of our beach life in HI. We dropped him off at 8:00am and began exploring. We found the Galveston Island State Park and toured it. It had been really beat up because of Ike. We found a cove with a covered picnic area. Christian had brought the net and he and his siblings spent the morning chasing blue crabs. We called Granny and Granddaddy and asked them about the crabbin' rules. They caught quite a few and had a blast. Although hot, the shade of the awning provided relief. We had a picnic there and then headed off for more exploration. We checked out the beach and decided to head there after picking up Dad. Mosquitoes were quite vicious there. They attacked in swarms. We have battle scars to prove it! After picking Albert up, we made our way back to the beach and enjoyed swimming late into the evening. We then attempted some night fishing near 39th Street but the tide coming in thwarted our efforts.
Thursday we got another early start and did some more fishing. Then had to check out of La Quinta and made our way to the beach at 39th Street so Daddy could walk to meet us after his class. Our friends, the Holder's, were able to join us for the day. We were joined by Albert at noon. We had a dilemma that day however. The previous day as we were leaving the state park, I saw a sign stating that the water would be shut off the following day. Well, I was quite upset considering we had invited guests! I called the visitor's center and was informed that the only other water available beach was Stewart's. With the holiday weekend approaching, I didn't want to fight the crowds there. So Thursday morning I prayed and Albert was instrumental in the solution. He told some of his classmates of our dilemma and the VP of Galveston College was so gracious. She allowed us to use the fitness center to shower in. Problem solved. It was two blocks from the beach where we had set up beach camp. The police chief even gave Albert a ride to us after class. Albert was able to meet many of the key officials of Galveston and was impressed by their servant attitudes and care for the people they serve. He learned a lot from them and the Lord gave him insight into proper civil government as God's authority in the affairs of man. Our time there was restful and a blessing. We returned home renewed and strengthened.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Cypress Top
Field trip time again, today we headed with the Heaney's to Cypress, TX, to a Harris County park that was donated by the Juergen's family. It was originally a railroad stop that included a general store, home that accommodated boarders, gristmill, blacksmith, stables, and dance hall. The general store closed down in 2003 and was left as it was.
After touring each building guided by a ole time resident, we ended the afternoon with a picnic lunch at the pavilion and a time of fellowship.
After touring each building guided by a ole time resident, we ended the afternoon with a picnic lunch at the pavilion and a time of fellowship.
Tim Ramos
On Sunday, Albert met a young man who was visiting our church. He is a youth minister and sound engineer. He has toured with bands like Salvador, Jaci Velasquez, and Shane and Shane. He had heard Dr. Baucham and wanted to visit our church. He has an amazing testimony of being adopted. He serves the Lord as George Mueller did on faith. Here's his website:
Monday, May 24, 2010
One of our stops today was to the Shiflet home. We picked up the honey we ordered in bulk from them. We look forward to trying the local batch and highly recommend it for allergies. Thanks again, Gina.
Park time and Krogering
This morning, before the heat, we met Stephanie, Brooke and Zachary at the Windale Park in The Woodlands. After eating a snack and playing chase, we headed to Kroger for some shopping. Ethan and Kara shared a small buggy and Christian pushed the adult size. He told me I didn't have to do a thing now except lead the way. I was reminded this morning of the Great Commission and how I am making disciples-Christian, Ethan and Kara. They watch me and follow after me. As in the grocery store, they are learning to navigate life. Do they see Christ speaking, fellowshipping, teaching, walking, and showing them the way to fulfill the will of the Father? I pray that my priorities would indicate so and the awareness of them convict.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
red potatoes
I cooked up the red potatoes from the garden and they are delicious. The recipe is butter, lemon juice, garlic, Parmesan cheese and salt. Bake 350 for 30 mins. covered and additional 30 minutes uncovered. I tossed in the micro squash and the two green beans we grew.
I also baked cookies that have oatmeal, chocolate chips, bananas and pecans in them. You can find it at and search for #170036. Tasty cookies. The recipe calls for walnuts but I'm a pecan lover myself so I added them instead. We are going to share with church family tomorrow.
I also baked cookies that have oatmeal, chocolate chips, bananas and pecans in them. You can find it at and search for #170036. Tasty cookies. The recipe calls for walnuts but I'm a pecan lover myself so I added them instead. We are going to share with church family tomorrow.
Great news of great joy!
Angela called and shared their exciting news with us. They are pregnant!! 6 weeks. We are so thankful to the Lord for hearing their prayer for another child.
Friday, May 21, 2010
floor cleaning tip
I have been in spring cleaning mode today. I even scrubbed the grout in the laundry room bath. My tip is Tilex Mold and Mildew cleaner. Just spray it on the grout, let it sit for 10 minutes and scrub with grout brush. If you plan ahead (unlike me today), you can seal it with a grout sealer. It makes even white grout appear Elmer's glue colored.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Uncle John's farewell and birthday party
We celebrated Uncle's birthday (June 8) and his farewell with his favorite cake- German chocolate. We gave the cake some thought and figured the coconut flakes look like sauerkraut so that maybe why it is called "German". I guess I could have done an internet search...
He got off early this morning and we are waiting to hear from Myla that all is well.
Child training
I haven't planned to include infant care in our child training since we do not currently have babies around our house, but Kara and Ethan are well suited for the task. In their hands on approach, they realized it is just easier and more economical to feed Baby Alive naked and as she sits on the toilet. Why didn't I think of that when I had newborns!!!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
faith like potatoes and micro gardening
We are so excited! We got a bucket full of red potatoes!! We also have been blessed with strawberries which we had to share with the ants (they are more watchful about harvesting than we are, see Proverbs 6:6). But when it comes to the squash, to say we need to add fertilizer might be an understatement.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Turtle soup
Mr. Huffman spotted a turtle crossing the road as he came to visit. He called Albert and the boys and they headed down to pick it up. After taking a look at his shell, they were certain he as one that we had previously caught and who had escaped in the night. Kara and I were gone shopping that day and so upon our arrival, the boys couldn't wait to show us. The truck was loaded down with groceries so I began putting items away. I had walked out of the garage back door and saw Ethan in terror saying "Kara, Kara,Kara" My first thought, biggest fear, was she was run over, but the truck was off. So I made it to the front of the truck and found her circling with the large reptile clamped onto her index finger. She was screaming hysterically. I grabbed the turtle by the jaws squeezing them open to retrieve her finger. She was not consolable. Albert ran and picked her up and I ran for peroxide, alcohol and iodine. Poor baby was so upset. She had been watching the movie Babe so I think her feelings were hurt most by the turtle. I explained to her that the turtle thought her finger was a wormy. Ethan was ready to pulverize the turtle. After resting and calming down, she was spotted taking Ethan's Nerf machine gun and pointing it at the turtle. A true Texas girl! Don't get mad, shoot something. The serpent from the Garden's relative received mercy and was transported via wagon to the pond nearby. Turtle soup was considered but we had chicken enchiladas instead. Update: her finger looks good and she is still on antibiotics from her ear infection.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Oceanstar Oilrig Museum

Monday we traveled with the Ashworth's to Galveston. Our first stop and our reason for the trip was to tour the Oceanstar Oilrig Museum near the Strand. We were easily distracted by the numerous birds that were perched in and along the shrimp boats and pier. There were pelicans, comer-ans, and sea gulls. I was fascinated by the returning shrimp boat. They sorted the shrimp and even fed some to the birds! They then put up there flag with the word "SHRIMP" on it and were opened for business. I was really impressed with the freshness. If I hadn't had a huge back of frozen shrimp in the freezer I'd have made room in the cooler quick! After be sightseers for quite some time, we finally made our way to down the deck to the oilrig. The tour attendants greeted us warmly and even started the movie which ran on the 1/2 hour for us early. Watching the 15 minute movie was quite informative. I got there with absolutely no prior detailed knowledge of how the oil industry relies on the offshore wells. After learning terms and visually seeing what they were talking about, we meandered through the three story structure and even onto the deck areas to see the equipment. Christian, Kara and Hannah got to dress up in roughneck gear and sit in the operator's chair. There was a lot to see and a lot to learn about in the three hours we were there. After concluding our museum tour, we headed to find a beach for lunch and some fun in the sun. First we check out East Beach and then back to Stewart's Beach. The showers and restrooms were the appealing factor. However, we missed the timing to utilize the facilities. It was an oasis of a time. We did continue our home schooling with our portable oven that we made nachos and smores on. Thank you Ashworth's for leading that! Christian taught us about oil spills and clean up and how it affects feathered creatures. He also learned about wind direction and shared it with us. Hannah and Christian enjoyed swimming and Kara collected many shells and baby crabs. Lesli and I, while keeping a watchful eye on our wave jumpers, had a lovely, refreshing visit. I was well suited for the sun and Christian with Albert's instructions, had my umbrella set up and it did not create a problem(falling, tilting, etc..) I would like to say I had pictures following this narrative but my cards were full. We left at 7pm drove down the seawall (I haven't been there since before Ike). It was a most lovely day and the company was delightful. Oh, since we had no restrooms available, my bleach bottles full of water were lifesavers to douse two muddy children with. We brought a sheet which made for a make shift shower. Thank you Ashworth's for poising as living shower rods. We made it home safely with no incidents and were much refreshed.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Kara's ear update
She is still complaining of pain and is on pain medication. Her fever was 101.8 this morning.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Our relatives visit
Aunt Stephanie, Uncle Jeremy, Brooke and Zachary, Granny and Grandaddy visited us last night to say goodbye to Uncle John. Granny brought gifts for Kara, Ethan and Christian. We gave her her Mother's Day gift since I was sick and couldn't visit.
Kara's ear
She's got an inner ear infection. We thought she had swimmer's ear but that wasn't the case. We just got back from the doctor's. Dr. Karr gave her ear drops for the pain and an antibotic.
Please keep me in your prayers as I've had bronchitis for a week now. I have enjoyed the resting part of this sickness. I do however admit that poor stewardship was a result. While facing many trials in the last eight weeks, the Lord kept me and strengthened me. He did however show me my weakness in the realm of exercise. I have been very conscious of eating healthy foods for quite some time but not in regards to maintaining a habit of moderate exercise. I'm still 35 lbs. overweight and this has added to my weakened immune system. He is a faithful Father who corrects His children.
Uncle John
Praise the Lord, he continues to heal. He is leaving next Friday for VA to stay with his daughter, Myla, and her family to begin his chemo treatment. Please pray for his recovery and for Aunt Nancy to be able to join him.
Swimming, yard work, field trips
We have been gearing up for summer. The pool is set and in use already. Albert and the boys have got the yard squared away and we are getting in as many field trips as possible before the heat sets in. We've visited Kleb Nature Preserve and will be going to the Oceanstar Oilrig Museum on Monday with a trip to Cypress Top on Tuesday.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Kleb Nature Preserve
We traveled to Tomball to the Harris County park with the Heaney's to walk the trails and visit the homestead. The workers there were kind and helpful. They even opened the Kleb home for us to see the inside. It was a great afternoon of exploration and fellowship. Our next field trip will be to Cypress Top to visit the Juergen's railroad community near Hwy 290 and Cypress-Rosehill.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Cinco de Mayo celebration
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