Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Espanol anyone
Albert and I were working on our Spanish tonight with a new program called Mango. It was very informative and used repetition to teach. They start at the very beginning which is helpful. I'll keep you updated as to its effectiveness in teaching us the language.
role playing & 3rd annual event
We are studying the book of Mark in our family Bible time in the evenings. We enjoy the Gospels not only for the Gospel which is proclaimed throughout but also for the action of Jesus and His disciples. Our little disciples/children beg for "role play" each night and our time comes alive as we each take part. Keegan and Alex joined in last weekend as the disciples were sent to proclaim the Gospel without taking extra items such as belts and shirts. They cast off their belts, hats and jackets in the following scene. Mr. Huffman joins in regularly with his awesome voice. I am usually the narrator.
We are preparing for our 3rd annual Halloween event: a play. Last year we did Moses and Pharaoh and this year we will be premiering The Man Born Blind from the Gospel of John chapter 9 verses 1-41. Our cast includes Jesus played by Christian, Blind Man played by Ethan, neighbor and mother played by Kara, disciple played by Albert, Pharisee played by Mr. Huffman and you guessed it, I'm the narrator. We chose our parts by casting the lot. Fun stuff. I'll be working on scripts this weekend and we have a standard wardrobe for Hebrew/Jewish people. We might have to get more authentic for the Pharisee outfit with tassels and all. We will see.... Stay tuned for our October 31 debut.
We are preparing for our 3rd annual Halloween event: a play. Last year we did Moses and Pharaoh and this year we will be premiering The Man Born Blind from the Gospel of John chapter 9 verses 1-41. Our cast includes Jesus played by Christian, Blind Man played by Ethan, neighbor and mother played by Kara, disciple played by Albert, Pharisee played by Mr. Huffman and you guessed it, I'm the narrator. We chose our parts by casting the lot. Fun stuff. I'll be working on scripts this weekend and we have a standard wardrobe for Hebrew/Jewish people. We might have to get more authentic for the Pharisee outfit with tassels and all. We will see.... Stay tuned for our October 31 debut.
friends and baby chicks
Today the Dodd family ( we missed seeing Reggie) came by to see the chicks. It was so fun taking their pictures and explaining chick care. We finished our "short playdate" as Ryla called it with the children on the new play set.
Albert's 38th Birthday
We celebrated on Sat., Sun. and Monday since the wedding was the same day. He got to eat a Sonic coney and pumpkin pie and cinnamon rolls on his actual day and then on Sunday we went to his favorite hot dog place, James Coney Island. On Monday, I made him a double layer pumpkin cheesecake.
He received a case for his crossbow which he practiced with the boys with and a water hose reel. Granny and Grandaddy sent him a gift as well. The Converse's called Sat. to wish him a great day. Thanks family!
He received a case for his crossbow which he practiced with the boys with and a water hose reel. Granny and Grandaddy sent him a gift as well. The Converse's called Sat. to wish him a great day. Thanks family!
encouragement for mothers
My Pastor's wife shared this with me on Sunday. Please read it. You will be encouraged.
This is the speech I delivered to the Trinitas Christian School Class of 2010 at their commencement Thursday night in Pensacola, Florida.
Good evening, Mr. Trotter, board of trustees, faculty, parents, grandparents, students of the Trinitas graduating class of 2010, ladies and gentlemen. I am delighted to be your commencement speaker tonight. It is an honor to address this graduating class of eleven young women. Thank you, Mr. Trotter, and thank you, senior class, for inviting me to be here. It has been a pleasure to get to know some of you, and Doug and I have enjoyed your gracious hospitality.
I’d like to speak to you young ladies tonight about your future (now that’s a novel idea for a commencement address, don’t you think?) but, more to the point, the kind of women you want to be in that future.
You live in a time when women of all ages are hungry for purpose and direction in their lives. And it’s not just the young women who are flailing about trying to find their bearings. Even Christian women can be confused. The lies of the feminist story have had more than a whole generation in which to ripen and bear fruit, and it turns out, it is a bitter and barren fruit.
Middle-aged women who opted for the career instead of the home twenty years ago are now asking themselves what they have done with their lives; they feel dissatisfied and unfulfilled. Even those with lucrative careers are finding that they’ve missed something that money can’t buy, and they are not even sure what it is. If you have any doubt about this, wander through a bookstore and take a look at the titles of the books about women, and you will see that women are searching.
The barrenness of the birth-control pill and guilt of abortion and the tenuous status of live-in girlfriend don’t add up to a recipe for long-term happiness and fulfillment. Many women are panicking, feeling that they have lost their opportunity for a home and missed their reproductive window for having children. They feel cheated, and they don’t know what they are looking for. And the world, with their story about liberation and reproductive rights, cannot answer their questions.
Today everything is pretty much up for grabs. We really only have two cultural problems–but those are significant. First, we don’t know what our men are supposed to be doing, and secondly we don’t know what to do with our women. Other than that, everything’s fine. And because the church has become more and more enfeebled and compromised with feminism over the past generation, in many cases, it is not in a position to answer these questions either. Someone needs to talk about the men, but that is not my task tonight. I am going to speak to you about the women.
This is one of those moments in history, like many other moments in the past, when we need godly and dangerous women. And the hopeful surprise is that I believe many Christian schools like Trinitas are helping parents train up just this kind of woman.
Women are by nature dangerous. They will either be dangerous in a destructive way or dangerous in a constructive way. Our mother Eve was dangerous, but unfortunately, she was a threat to her husband instead of to the serpent. A harlot is a dangerous woman, but obviously, in the wrong direction. Christian women who just go along unknowingly are actually a liability and not an asset to the Christian cause. There really is no neutral ground. So I’m going to be talking to you tonight about the need for dangerous women in our day who see through the serpent’s cheap talk, who are not deceived by the lies the other team tells, and who are actively engaged in building a Christian culture. This is where your education comes in. You graduates have been given a healthy start to your education. Don’t let it stop here. Education is not an end but a means of equipping you to be and do all God is calling you to do. The being part must come before the doing. You want to be a godly and dangerous woman so that you can do the work of changing and rebuilding our culture. It is very important to keep these things in the right order. A good and godly education is a tool to be used wisely. Keep it sharp.
Graduates: Don’t let this be the end of your education, but continue to pursue wisdom. In a minute I will be talking about the role of women in the home, and I don’t want you to think for a minute that an education is unnecessary or superfluous for such things. Far from it. Your education is your preparation for life.
What is a dangerous woman? Is she a member of the NRA? Does she know karate? No. That is not the kind of woman I am talking about. Let me lay out a few of the characteristics of the godly dangerous woman.
1. First of all, she knows who she is. She is not having a life-long identity crisis. She knows who her people are, and she is loyal to her people. This, in itself, is a tremendous blessing. A woman who knows who she is can be free from herself to be herself. She can change the subject and think about others. She is not cowering and fearful, trying to find herself, because Christ has found her. She knows where she belongs.
Today, many young people are rootless and unconnected. They never sit down to dinner with a family around an actual table. Many don’t really have a family at all; they are isolated and disconnected.Their lives are more connected to and they are more loyal to a mythical heart-throb vampire than they are to their own parents and grandparents. This is a tragedy.
But the kind of woman I am talking about is loyal to her people because she knows which side she is on, and she does not wear the enemy’s uniform. She identifies herself among God’s people. She stands with her family, her church community, and her school community. And because she knows who she is, you cannot take her where she doesn’t want to go.
This kind of loyalty is a powerful protection that keeps her from getting swept up into unwise friendships, foolish relationships, or led into stupid behavior. She knows that she is a character in a story, and she wants to be the good, wise character, not the foolish one. We live in a culture that has been demolished, and much reconstruction is required. That is the building project that Trinitas is part of. And women who understand the project and have a view toward the final result are a tremendous asset to have on the construction crew. And the last thing we need right now are more people standing around in the wreckage, fishing out some keepsakes.
Graduates: Be loyal to your people. Never forget who you are and what side you are on.
2. Second, a godly dangerous woman knows what she is called to do. Women typically underestimate the scope and the significance of what they have been created to do on this earth. The truth is, God created woman to have a profound impact on the culture around them.
I have mentioned the construction project. God says in Proverbs that a wise woman builds her house and a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands. This building is what women are called to do. Woman is created to beautify and glorify and remake. She beautifies and glorifies all God gives her, and the results are amazing. Call it the woman’s touch.
You know what I mean. We’ve all seen the old stock Western film where the old dirty bachelor cowboy gets a mail-order bride, and the new bride looks around at the wreck and ruin of his forlorn cabin, rolls up her sleeves, and changes everything. She remakes him and she remakes that cabin. (This may not be a popular stock scene anymore in this politically correct era, but the idea of the woman remaking the world is still as true today as it was in the beginning.)
Consider, for example, a house. It is just four walls until a woman moves in and transfigures it, beautifies it, glorifies it, and makes it into something new: a home. What is a kitchen but just a room full of shiny surfaces until a woman glorifies it with pies and mashed potatoes and loads of dirty dishes and singing. A woman receives her husband’s love, and God mysteriously glorifies it within her, and a baby is born. Woman is the glory of the man. She is his crown.
This is God’s creation design for women: they do this mysterious thing of remaking people and homes and cultures. Men want to be made new; homes are begging to be humanized; our culture is crying out for help. A woman’s touch is a powerful thing, and this is what homemaking is all about. This gift of remaking does not originate in the woman herself: God puts it there, and she reflects, manifests, and returns the glory to Him.
A godly dangerous woman understands that God has given her the tools to do this. She knows who she is and she understands what God has designed her to do. She is not distracted away from this truth. It is what enables her to be a productive asset to the community. She is indispensable. Women have this gift, married or not. They exert a tremendous influence on their community, whether that community is a home, a church, or a school. They are either constructing or tearing down.
Graduates: Be builders. Each of you, be the kind of woman who never forgets what she is called to do. Take the things God has given you and glorify them. Get your hands busy beautifying the world. You can begin now. You don’t have to wait.
3. Third, a godly dangerous woman understands that she is the root of this tree called humanity. God has created the human race this way. The woman is not the tree, but she nourishes it, and she grounds it because that is what God has equipped her to do. And the more she does this, the more dangerous she becomes. She has this strange power to extend herself, bestowing and adorning the world with a fruitful radiance.
Feminism has successfully drummed its story for women into our culture’s psyche. It is a bad story about women, a story in which the women play their assigned parts, detached, independent, unconnected, and autonomous. And millions of women have bought the story and tell it over and over again to themselves and their daughters. But the story makes no sense, and the devastating effects of it are easy to see.
If the root obviously cannot be disconnected from the tree, and do its own thing. Not only is the whole tree affected, but the root crumbles. The feminist story has gotten old. Many of the old guard are even starting to defect. The story that women should be disconnected and autonomous has taken its toll. You might as well put the root in the driveway or in the sky. What good is it there? Even a child can see the nonsense of such a thing.
Our military has even adopted this foolish feminist fairy tale. So now the root is in the submarine. What a silly story this is. Would someone please interrupt this story and talk sense to these people? Put the root in the ground! That is where it belongs. That is where it will grow. That is where it is dangerous! When it isn’t in the ground, it is weak, foolish, helpless and worthless. Nature itself teaches us these things. The feminist story is destructive, not constructive. It keeps telling women to keep the roots OUT of the ground.
The soil for the root is the Christian home. This is the domain and the dominion of the godly dangerous woman. G.K. Chesterton described the home as “a sphere of vast importance and supreme spiritual significance; and to talk of being confined to it is like talking of being chained to a throne.” The home is the kingdom where the woman has inestimable influence and power; this is where she can be dangerous to the serpent, where she bruises the serpent’s head by self-sacrifice and obedient love.
The home is where the root grows, where it does its work of nourishing, establishing, and glorifying the world. Women not only nourish and sustain the tree, they provide stability in unstable times, they anchor a culture to the ground. And if ever a culture was in need of stability and nourishment, our American culture is now. Quoting Chesterton again: “Despite efforts to find one, there is no alternative to the family.”
The home is where the action is. The home is the center of operations for the woman from which she extends herself, where she finds her fulfillment and purpose. This is the vantage point from which she can see future generations of faithfulness rising up. This is the Christian story about dangerous women.
Graduates: Let your roots grow deep. Love the true story and hate the bad. And be able to tell them apart.
4. Fourth, a godly dangerous woman believes and loves God’s covenant promises which He has made to His people. She is thinking long-term. Even when she is just about to graduate from high school, she has an eye toward when she will be a great-grandma to a hundred or more great-grandchildren. And she is loyal to them already. Think about this! This is why your parents want to stay in the neighborhood and not settle down on the other side of the world (though they may be hesitant to say so).
My children attended Logos School from kindergarten through twelfth grade. This is the school their father helped start for them. Now I have nine grandchildren there. Now I can see with my eyes what I could only imagine back when my children were little, and I had no idea wonderful it would be. It is hard to see ahead like this, but it is very important to think this way.
This is why a godly dangerous woman can stand up for what she knows is true. This is why she won’t be swayed by a stupid guy who tries to get her to do stupid things. Her calling is too important to squander on a man who doesn’t get it. What would her descendents think? She wants to raise up sons who will be leaders and daughters who will be pillars, equipped to raise up the next generation. This is why she is not interested in weak men. She is looking for strength and courage, not a man with wobbly knees.
If you doubt the tremendous impact that women have on our culture, here’s a thought experiment for you. What would happen to our culture if women all across our country had God’s promises in view and said something like this to their boyfriends: “Are you kidding? You must be crazy if you think I will move in with you without a wedding first.” Can you imagine the upheaval and dislocation? Suddenly marriage would be much on men’s minds, and not just on the women’s minds, and there would no doubt be a diamond shortage. Because women have believed the serpent’s lies, marriage is in a sore state, and this has an obvious affect on the heart of our culture.
God’s blessings flow downstream, and a godly dangerous woman understands that her behavior now will have consequences in generations to come, and this is a very big deal. My husband has taught this for years. When fathers are living with “secret sins,” they are in essence giving their sons covenantal permission to sin in the same way. When women are living sinfully, whether by being anxious and worrisome or in some other sinful way, they are giving their daughters and granddaughters covenantal permission to live the same way. A godly dangerous woman is not simply thinking of the present; she is thinking of the next fifty years, and she wants to live in a way that will bless her descendents and not scramble them. This kind of woman is rare. Her price is far above rubies.
She sees the long-term blessings that result from seemingly mundane decisions and tasks. She doesn’t mind; she can afford to be patient. God works over generations, and He takes His time. She can interpret the times in light of God’s unfailing love and providence. She sees His hand in all that comes to pass. Like the godly women of old, she sees that she is standing in a long line of God’s covenant faithfulness. He always blesses obedience, and He never forsakes His people.
Graduates: Love God’s promises. They are for you and your descendents. Live in light of them! Be this kind of woman.
5. Finally, a godly dangerous woman is not threatened by the unbelief in the culture around her. She is at war with it! She does not give way to fear. She knows who wins. She does not keep her head down when she enters into a secular job or a secular university. She knows who she is and what she is about, and she is not afraid of everyone else finding out. In fact, she is eager for everyone to find out, and this takes backbone. And this, it turns out, is actually threatening to everyone else! A dangerous woman assumes the center. This requires courage and faith. A virtuous woman is a courageous woman.
She laughs at the days to come. She sees through the lies in the serpent’s story clear as can be; she is not deceived. She is uncooperative with his agenda. He lied to our first mother, and she stumbled and her husband with her. But God has promised that the seed of the woman would crush the head of the serpent. And that is what the promised Messiah did.
So there is no need for a woman to go wobbly because she might lose friends or lose her job or fail the class. God’s purposes and plans are much too big to be squandered on such petty threats. She has too much to do, and time is short. She understands the final outcome: we win, they lose. A dangerous, godly woman is a threat to the other team because she is building, and refuses to tear down. A godly home is a dangerous weapon and a strong defense. It is both an offensive and defensive weapon.
Women of the graduating class, I urge you to be dangerous women. You have the tools to get to work on the next thing. After all, you have received a good and godly education. The world is in great need, and women like you need to roll up their sleeves and get to work, preparing to raise the next generation to play their part, transforming the culture one home at a time. You know who you are, who your people are, and what needs to be done. So get to work.
As you begin your life after high school, keep these things in your mind. The future is coming. What kind of woman are you going to be in it?
In closing, thank you again Mr. Trotter and the board. And congratulations, graduates!
Baby chicks
We got them! On Albert's birthday. 20 of them. The weather turned cooler so we've been checking on them constantly to make sure they are warm. They are so fun to watch. The children give them bugs and it gets crazy in the pen. I now understand the saying "as a chicken on a June bug". They are already growing so fast. We have friends stopping by today who just moved here from LA. They are going to practice bow archery next Monday.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Our neighbor Brittney got married today. She married a young man who is the oldest of 8 home school children. They met while attending the Honor Academy which teaches young people interested in missions life skills and preparation for ministry.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
amazing sunset/rainbow
We were disassembling our broken trampoline to convert it into a chicken tractor when I looked up. There it was, a full bow in the evening sky.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
pickles and tortillas
Yes, I actually canned those myself. Incredible huh. They are yummy too. I'm at the mixing bowl now in this shot to try my hand at homemade tortilla. My dear husband got quite a kick out of my choice of tortilla mixes. He said, "why didn't you get White Wing brand?" I got the white guy, Quaker man. We shared quite a laugh and that happens with our ethnic diversity!
new swing set
Our recent visit to see family in Mineola, my sister, Angela and her husband, Tom gave us a swing set. Thank you! I have wanted one for the children for quite some time. Dad and Tom helped Albert load it on our neighbor's trailer and after two days of work,thanks David for giving Albert a hand, it is all set up and already in use.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
My dear sister, Angela, got a great report from the doctor today! She has responded quite favorably to the surgery! She is off bed rest but must take it easy. The Lord has worked mightily to strengthen her! I took off with her keys so I'm glad I got those in the mail to her now that she is mobile again. FYI, the contractions were Braxton Hicks so no worries. The baby girl is growing and doing great!!
Monday, August 30, 2010
prayer needed
My sister Angela is on bed rest. She had surgery this past Wed. to keep her cervix from dilating. She continues to have contractions. Please pray that she will recover and not have to go to the hospital for the duration of her pregnancy.
We did not let him leave it like this although he insisted. He is Mister Personality, to say the least.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
I know it is hard to believe I'd be talking about firewood on such a heat advisory August in TX day, but the Heaney's came over for a visit and to help us clean up a pile of oak wood. We had cut the tree down last week after a limb had fell on our friend's car. The top was dead so we didn't want further damage to occur. We had a nice fellowship with the Heaney's and the Huffman's.
Simple meals
I got some great ideas from my fave website www.passionatehomemaking.com
Here's some ideas from her:
Breakfast -we stick to the same breakfast routine at our house, rotating between oatmeal, smoothies, and eggs. Lately we have been eating a lot more green smoothies, because they are easy to prepare, the kids love them (and we don’t have to deal with picky eaters!), and you can throw practically anything in them for increased nutrition. They make an easy simple lunch or dinner as well. We add coconut oil or coconut cream for good fats and flax seeds as well. Stephanie recommended the addition of Green Foods Magna Plus Powder to increase the greens and veggie content. Great suggestion that I will be starting!
I also make a large batch of homemade granola for a simple breakfast or over top of fruit salad and yogurt, but also buy organic cereal for the enjoyment of my husband! This is one thing he really likes for me to buy on occasion. It sure is nice to have on hand for those busy Sunday mornings before church.
Hamburgers – yes, hamburgers are wonderfully delicious made from grass-fed meat. We serve with raw cheese, lettuce, pickles, tomatoes, and such on a sprouted bun. Utilizing the husband and the BBQ is wonderful. He loves learning a new skill while mommy gets a break. I appreciate this immensely! Another favorite is chicken thighs with some natural Montreal steak seasoning.
Pasta Presto - a simple meal that takes 20 minutes to prepare! Add chopped zucchini, onions and carrots for increased veggie content if you don’t have the energy for a side salad. During busy seasons I often prefer to stick with one main dish to maintain my energy.
Hummus & Pita – a wonderful simple lunch with quality protein! Make a hummus platter for a light dinner.
Salmon Melts - I keep my pantry stocked with cans of wild salmon to make these easy sandwiches that are high in omega-3 fatty acids. Makes a nutritious lunch or dinner.
Burritos - a seven layer burrito style is simple and nutritious with the addition of brown rice, black beans, grass fed beef or pastured chicken and your favorite toppings. Use canned beans if you need to!
Fish Tacos – I purchased some packs of Frontiers Organic Fish Taco Seasoning mix and what a delicious simple meal they make! I combine wild cod with the seasoning mix and fry it up. I use this mayo/lime juice mixture over cabbage, sliced avocados and tomatoes and serve over corn tortillas. Yum!
Baked Potato Bar - grad some chili (a can of chili if necessary) and serve over baked potatoes with an array of toppings – cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, olives, bacon bites, etc. Along these lines we have also done nachos for a quick easy meal.
Cobb Salad- this yummy salad has been a regular lately! Make your own ranch dressing with my recipe. Taco Salad or Chicken Caesar Salad are also simple main dish salads, perfect for warm summer days.
Grilled Veggie Sandwiches – these are simple and delicious!
Roast in the Crock pot - another easy meal is to throw a pork or chuck roast into the crock pot with natural BBQ sauce and allow to cook on low all day. Nice way to get dinner out of the way in the morning
I recently did the baked potato bar idea by getting the huge bag of potatoes from Costco. We had bacon baked potatoes three times, brisket stuffed potatoes once, and regular baked potatoes. The bag went a long way!!
Today I did the seven layer bean dip and that went well. If you have any ideas, please share.
Here's some ideas from her:
Breakfast -we stick to the same breakfast routine at our house, rotating between oatmeal, smoothies, and eggs. Lately we have been eating a lot more green smoothies, because they are easy to prepare, the kids love them (and we don’t have to deal with picky eaters!), and you can throw practically anything in them for increased nutrition. They make an easy simple lunch or dinner as well. We add coconut oil or coconut cream for good fats and flax seeds as well. Stephanie recommended the addition of Green Foods Magna Plus Powder to increase the greens and veggie content. Great suggestion that I will be starting!
I also make a large batch of homemade granola for a simple breakfast or over top of fruit salad and yogurt, but also buy organic cereal for the enjoyment of my husband! This is one thing he really likes for me to buy on occasion. It sure is nice to have on hand for those busy Sunday mornings before church.
Hamburgers – yes, hamburgers are wonderfully delicious made from grass-fed meat. We serve with raw cheese, lettuce, pickles, tomatoes, and such on a sprouted bun. Utilizing the husband and the BBQ is wonderful. He loves learning a new skill while mommy gets a break. I appreciate this immensely! Another favorite is chicken thighs with some natural Montreal steak seasoning.
Pasta Presto - a simple meal that takes 20 minutes to prepare! Add chopped zucchini, onions and carrots for increased veggie content if you don’t have the energy for a side salad. During busy seasons I often prefer to stick with one main dish to maintain my energy.
Hummus & Pita – a wonderful simple lunch with quality protein! Make a hummus platter for a light dinner.
Salmon Melts - I keep my pantry stocked with cans of wild salmon to make these easy sandwiches that are high in omega-3 fatty acids. Makes a nutritious lunch or dinner.
Burritos - a seven layer burrito style is simple and nutritious with the addition of brown rice, black beans, grass fed beef or pastured chicken and your favorite toppings. Use canned beans if you need to!
Fish Tacos – I purchased some packs of Frontiers Organic Fish Taco Seasoning mix and what a delicious simple meal they make! I combine wild cod with the seasoning mix and fry it up. I use this mayo/lime juice mixture over cabbage, sliced avocados and tomatoes and serve over corn tortillas. Yum!
Baked Potato Bar - grad some chili (a can of chili if necessary) and serve over baked potatoes with an array of toppings – cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, olives, bacon bites, etc. Along these lines we have also done nachos for a quick easy meal.
Cobb Salad- this yummy salad has been a regular lately! Make your own ranch dressing with my recipe. Taco Salad or Chicken Caesar Salad are also simple main dish salads, perfect for warm summer days.
Grilled Veggie Sandwiches – these are simple and delicious!
Roast in the Crock pot - another easy meal is to throw a pork or chuck roast into the crock pot with natural BBQ sauce and allow to cook on low all day. Nice way to get dinner out of the way in the morning
I recently did the baked potato bar idea by getting the huge bag of potatoes from Costco. We had bacon baked potatoes three times, brisket stuffed potatoes once, and regular baked potatoes. The bag went a long way!!
Today I did the seven layer bean dip and that went well. If you have any ideas, please share.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Yeah! Thank you Lord. It has been so dry and hot. I took advantage of the cloud cover and weeded my back flowerbed. I hope to finish it tomorrow.
I was sick most of last week so my latest project has been a slow go. I got to work on the bookcase in the office Sat. and so this morning I got to continue working on it. I have cleared quite a few books out and hope to make room for this years home school books. I want to finish the office by Wed. and then move upstairs...I'll need courage for that!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
great child training book
At the home school store I came across a little treasure, Child Training Tips by Reb Bradley. http://www.familyministries.com/
This short, concise, 160 pg. book offers great wisdom for child discipline. I was soooo convicted as soon as I started to read it. It is a book of practical wisdom and definitely one to put into practice in your home. You will see immediate results in your own heart and in the hearts of your children.
This short, concise, 160 pg. book offers great wisdom for child discipline. I was soooo convicted as soon as I started to read it. It is a book of practical wisdom and definitely one to put into practice in your home. You will see immediate results in your own heart and in the hearts of your children.
answered prayer
We have got all the materials for home schooling that we need for the next two semesters! God is gracious and good. Thank you for praying for us.
Albert went to the sessions at the convention in The Woodlands and was greatly encouraged and inspired to develop a vision and goals for our family. That was an answer to many prayers as well. I made a run out to the Home School Store on Judiway and found all the items used for 4th grade! I called Albert and he ordered the rest of the workbooks from A Beka since shipping was free at the convention. I haven't done the math but I know we saved over 60%.
I have planned out the next 8 weeks to complete this past semester's goals and we should be starting our new grades in the first full week of Oct.
Albert went to the sessions at the convention in The Woodlands and was greatly encouraged and inspired to develop a vision and goals for our family. That was an answer to many prayers as well. I made a run out to the Home School Store on Judiway and found all the items used for 4th grade! I called Albert and he ordered the rest of the workbooks from A Beka since shipping was free at the convention. I haven't done the math but I know we saved over 60%.
I have planned out the next 8 weeks to complete this past semester's goals and we should be starting our new grades in the first full week of Oct.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
please pray
We are contemplating Christian's 4th grade school material. Albert and I are praying for God's wisdom in how He would have us teach him this new school year. We are finishing up 3rd grade through the summer.
when someone is on your heart
A dear friend of mine was on my mind this morning. I thought I was thinking of her because we were going to the same baby shower (another dear mutual friend's daughter's) this Sat. and that must be why. At 11am she called. She had been praying and the Lord put my name in her mind so she called me. We had a sweet time of fellowship and prayer and in the end also planned to travel to Livingston together on Sat. with our daughters, Kara and Kyra. Cool huh. The Lord is so wonderful in knitting us together in unity. Praise Him!
in need of recipes
I am in search of a great home made banana pudding recipe. Please email me you favorite. Thanks!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
John 14
"But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you. "John 14:26
We discussed this and the verses surrounding it tonight at our ladies' Bible study on the book of John. Oh, how He brings to mind with impeccable timing, His Word. John 1:1 says "in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. What peace and comfort He brings when He speaks to us- He brings us Himself!
We discussed this and the verses surrounding it tonight at our ladies' Bible study on the book of John. Oh, how He brings to mind with impeccable timing, His Word. John 1:1 says "in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. What peace and comfort He brings when He speaks to us- He brings us Himself!
on dying
This morning on the way to get a shot for my back, I heard Nancy Leigh DeMoss' program Revive our Hearts. The speaker was a young woman who was dying of cancer. Please tune in to the following link to hear her give glory to God in the midst of suffering. http://deathisnotdying.com/
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
family mission statement
I got an email today from my favorite website, passionate homemaking. It was addressing mission statements. The first verse they used was Proverbs 29:18 "where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keeps the law, happy is he." What was so amazing was the Lord woke me up at 4:45am and that is the verse He reminded me of. So, needless to say, when I came across this email, it made me smile. Has anyone worked on something like this? What is your experience? Please share any thoughts you have on the subject.
book report
Christian is attempting to finish his 3rd A Beka work. He is doing two lessons at a time. We worked together today learning about book reports. His first one was over one of his A Beka readers, Secret in the Maple Tree. I am amazed we are already doing book reports. He is growing too fast for his Mom.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
In the midst of a storm
I found myself in a storm this morning. No, not the kind that brings thunder and lightning which for us in south Tx is a common event. This storm had fear and pain that flooded my heart. Just as Jesus calmed the waves and the winds, so He calmed me His child. He spoke softly with patience His Word to me as I fought back the tears. He reminded me that I learn as He did obedience from that which I suffer (Heb. 5:8). I learned to trust Him because His Word holds promises that He reminded me of when my emotions were trying to rule me. His Spirit provided self control. In His power I was able to depend on Him to speak life and not death. To give the Gospel instead of repaying evil with evil. All the while being reminded of the right path I was to take moment by moment. The more I surrendered pride and fear and listened, I heard truth in love coming out of my mouth. God's Word is living and active (Heb.4:12). He reminded me of that this morning. He can do exceeding abundantly more than I can ask or think (Eph 3:20-22). He reminded me in worship the night before I had prayed for the Spirit to empty me of me and fill me with Christ. He answered that prayer. In the condition I was in, I asked "Lord how will I be prepared for all that I have before me today?" He answered by saying "worship Me". I was blubbering with red swollen eyes, in need of a Kleenex, and I said "Lord, you want me to sing? " "Yes, glorify me." My heart wanted to. Why wouldn't I? However, my flesh was not cooperating. It wanted to work towards self pity. I began to sing, The Joy of the Lord is My Strength. It barely came out. My voice was fading in and out between wimpering. I knew the praise He deserved and what lined up with the words to the song was to be joyful. I didn't feel joyful. Actually flesh said go back to bed and stay there. Wollering in self pity does suit me more than being off key. But as I fixed my red flaming face (make up can only do so much) I sang stronger. I listened to the words I was singing. He gives me living water and I thirst no more. No more thirst. No more pain. No more tears as Rev. 7:17 says" for the Lamb in the center of the throne will be their Shepherd, and will guide them to springs of the water of life; and God will wipe every tear from their eyes." Oh, the glory of eternity in Him! Even come so Lord Jesus.
Our dear friends have headed back to Minnesota anticipating a move down here!! We are so thankful the Lord is making a way for them to come down here permanently.
Exotic Pet care
Albert and children have been hitting the streets the last two days to get the word out for their new business-pet sitting. They will care for various creatures and offer additional home services such as lawn care, pool cleaning, and power washing. They are marketing pet stores and vet clinics. They even passed out flyers in front of Pet Smart. They are very hopeful to encounter some unusual critters in this endeavor. Please pray for their safety and for some customers.
Bible study
As many of you know, I have been studying the book of John with some great women and last night we got to be apart of Calvary Chapel Houston (Friendswood) 's women's Bible study. The topic last night was obedience. Each of us (4) were touched in a unique way. I came home confessing and repenting of sin to my husband. Thank you Lord for convicting me in the atmosphere of such love.
chicken and eggs
This morning I met with my neighbor Linda to get the coop, I am mean scoop on chicken raising. Her flock of six is now 2 mos. old. She graciously offered to let us borrow her supplies as their new, bigger coop will be completed this weekend. We are contemplating broilers and hens. I am trying to find some wisdom. We only have space to keep them together and I am thinking that will not be a good idea since in 6 weeks the broilers will be huge and they could attack our smaller hens. I bought the book Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens by Gail Damerow and had lent it to my neighbor since she was a head of me in the attempt. I was impressed with her new coop and gleaned some good ideas from her. I am hoping to receive them in two-three weeks. I'll keep you posted.
Pronounced keen wah, this nutty protein packed grain which comes from the Andes is quite tasty. We made some for the first time on Sunday with baked chicken. It was all gone. A friend from church came up to confess that she scooped the last bit out to take home to eat later. I didn't mind. I have a HUGE bag from Costco. Another lady at church gave me a recipe I want to try which was soaked quinoa then add bell pepper or your favorite veggie and then fry it in the pan. Sounds yummy! I let you know of any other recipes that I come across.
cooking beans
I am giving pinto beans a shot again. In the past, they have came out like flavorful small pebbles. A friend shared her secret to good tasting gravy and soup last night- Knor chicken bullion. I've got to try it. I haven't been able to do soup either but am encourage with the knowledge she shared.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
home made pizza crust
Wow! We just had some fabulous pizza. I've been raving about www.passionatehomemaking.com and here I go again. My children are thrilled about this tasty recipe. I normally do not like sweet crust like Papa John's but this homemade concoction is too wonderful. We had it with no pizza sauce, a bag of mozzarella and Boar's Head pepperoni from Kroger (on sale 2 for $5). Highly recommended.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Armour's visit
We have been enjoying our dear neighbors and it feels like they've been gone along time (actually 2 months) but now that they are back it seems like old times. We are so thankful to have them back even if for just a while.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
The Armour's are coming for a visit
We found out last night they will be arriving tomorrow night! We are so excited to see our dear friends. Hopefully I'll be posting some pictures on the blog this week of their visit.
Incredible website
After Gina taught me about Kefir, I decided to do more research on healthy living. I came across an awesome website for homemakers www.passionatehomemaking.com. I HIGHLY recommend it. I found so many great recipes and tips on budget savers. This young Christian housewife is incredible! She makes delicious breads and healthy whole foods for her family of 4. She makes her own cleaners, shampoo, etc. I have lists of info. she provided to look into. Other helpful websites are given by her as well. I can't wait to try some of her recipes. I'll post the results when I get to them. She buys nearly everything organic and only spends $400 total (includes toiletries) a month!! I can barely believe it. She doesn't buy packaged and process foods. No snacks, no chips (ouch), no dinner in a bag. Another lady who is linked to her site www.heavenlyhomemakers.com was way helpful too. She feeds a family of 6 for $500 a month. She is a great gardener and I hope to one day have enough fruits and veggies too so I can read more from her on canning.
The personal care items I am suspect of. I remember trying to wash my hair with eggs in high school only to have a disaster! The Passionate Homemaker does have a lot of uses for coconut oil which I am interested in trying. Please peruse her site it is well worth your time. She states her purpose to teach good stewardship of God's resources. Amen.
The personal care items I am suspect of. I remember trying to wash my hair with eggs in high school only to have a disaster! The Passionate Homemaker does have a lot of uses for coconut oil which I am interested in trying. Please peruse her site it is well worth your time. She states her purpose to teach good stewardship of God's resources. Amen.
Kara was sick
This morning Kara woke up rather early only to throw up. Her Daddy helped her and cleaned the carpet. She came downstairs and laid on the couch for the whole day getting up only to vomit and deal with diarrhea. She couldn't keep down water or Pepto. After dark circles appeared under her eyes, fearing dehydration, I gave her some Phenegren and that helped. The evening at 6pm she began to feel better and was able to eat some plain noodles and keep down some water. Poor Sweetie.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Bible study
For over two years now, me and a sweet group of dear sisters have been studying the book of John. We've made it to the upper room discourse in chapter 14. "Let not your heart be troubled" was spoken by our Savior during some very anxious hours (understatement) that they were about to walk through. He speaks of the Spirit that the Father will give and He encourages us in a way no other person can "truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater than these shall he do; because I go to the Father"John 14:12. How will this be accomplished? Verse 16-17 provides "and I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever;that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not behold Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you, and will be in you." As vessels of the Holy Spirit, we can see the work of Christ continue knowing it is the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. May the Lord allow us to see His glory revealed as we share the Gospel and see the fruits of those who will be saved.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
casting lots
We've been going for morning walks for many weeks now. Whether to walk, bring a scooter or ride a bike has been a topic of discussion continually. So, in New Testament fashion, I decided to cast lots to see which activity the children would engage in. We have a prayer jar in which we cast lots each meal to see who will pray so we did likewise for the activity to do. After 3 consecutive days of walking, Daddy cast the lot and chose biking. After the bikes were brought out, a flat tire was discovered on Ethan's bike. We then understood why biking had not been chosen the last few days while Daddy was at work-Mommy can air tires but NOT change flats! It rained this morning so although we got a late start, it was overcast and cooler.
fellowship with the Spear's
Last night we got to spend some time with the Spear's. We enjoyed dinner and great conversation about what the Lord has done and is teaching us. The Lord really used Randy to convict me of sin concerning worldliness and gift giving. Thanks Randy for loving us enough to tell us the truth! I really enjoyed getting to know Rosalie and she really encouraged me to stay away from bitterness and seek the Lord in His Grace to continue right relationship.
Stephenson's visit
Yesterday afternoon we got to spend some time with Yvonne, Mitch and Mikayla. The children were so excited to play with their old friends. They played with the pets, went exploring in the woods and found baby frogs and then swam, swam, swam. Yvonne and I got caught up on life and all the Lord has taught us the last several months. May the Lord provide continued opportunity for us to share life together in His will.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
1 John 1-2
This morning during my prayer time with the Lord He reminded me of 1 John 2:4 "The one who says, "I have come to know Him, and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in Him;"
Yesterday I had been struggling with that thought. How can we say we are Christians yet walk (decisions and behavior) according to the world?
When the children and I sat down to study catechism this was the food I gave them. I started teaching them from 1 John 1:5-2:29. What a beautiful message this is from the Lord through the beloved apostle John. Please read this portion of Scripture and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you.
Yesterday I had been struggling with that thought. How can we say we are Christians yet walk (decisions and behavior) according to the world?
When the children and I sat down to study catechism this was the food I gave them. I started teaching them from 1 John 1:5-2:29. What a beautiful message this is from the Lord through the beloved apostle John. Please read this portion of Scripture and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
update on Uncle John
Thanks again for the prayers and lifting him and his family up to the Lord. He had only a minor skin reaction to his first round of chemo. His wife, Nancy, is still unable to travel. Please pray for her as they found a spot on her lung during her physical and they have to determine whether it is active or an old spot. Tuberculosis is common PI so they must check it out before giving her the ok to travel. That pushes her date back to possibly August. He hopes to finish his chemo and return to PI after Christmas. May the Lord guide him.
Ice cream Sunday
We got a new soft serve ice cream machine last week. I got it off of www.woodlandsonline.com. It has condiment trays that will mix in your favorite treats into the homemade frozen yummy stuff. The ice cream tasted just like Dairy Queen. We hope to use if during fellowship time as a treat. Also, to reduce the the size of the Hernandez family we are limiting dessert to once a week. Thanks, Suzy for the inspiration and Emily for the great idea.
Happy Father's Day
The children made Albert some cards and we already gave him most of his gifts-poncho liner and portable grill. We spent the day at church and then home for some grilled hotdogs and sausage.
I called my Dad and wished him a great day as well.
I called my Dad and wished him a great day as well.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
visit from dear friends
We got an unexpected surprise visit from Elkin (we've been lifelong friends since we were 14), Krissy (goddaughter) and her fiance, Stephen today. They were in Magnolia to help another friend move. It was a blessings to get to meet Stephen. We gave them a early gift, the book our church recommended for those who are anticipating marriage called What Did you Expect? by Paul Tripp. The Lord's timing was perfect in that we had been reading it and were able to share it with those facing the committment. May the Lord guide them and cleanse them as they approach marriage.
Kara's birthday
Our little girl turned 6 today. We've been celebrating all week. The boys and I decorated her cake and we are going to Marble Slab this evening and to ride the carousel at the Woodlands Mall.
summer vacation
We headed down to Corpus Christi to be apart of the public release of the Kemper's ridley sea turtles. We had to be on standby because they had just hatched.
We left here Monday with a stop in El Campo to Buckee's. The children did not remember stopping at one before so it was a treat. Albert got a pecan log, I got a peanut patty, Christian got a blueberry muffin, Ethan got an Icee, and Kara a chocolate brownie. Funny, that's what they chose at Target when we stop for a treat. We got Christian a leather wallet for his birthday there as well. Once arriving in Corpus we headed to the county park at Packery Channel. We got hermit crabs by the bunches and enjoyed the evening. We were so glad to get there safely and see water. Tuesday, the turtles weren't ready so we headed to the marsh areas for some crabbin'. It was hot and the mosquitoes were pretty vicious to the guys since they were in the grasses. Thankfully, we had some Off to ward them off. We got 6 crabs so we headed to the beach at Mustang Island State Park. It was upsetting to see the day use area in disrepair. It had been seven years since we lived there for 3 months and we remembered the park being really nice. Albert got an Aussie portable grill forhis advanced Father's Day gift so he grilled us some sausage, hot dogs and crabs. We boiled the crabs with some Tony Chachere's. I missed my chest area and got quite a burn but thankfully I brought some lavender for the mosquito bites and remembered it worked well for burns too. It really healed it up fast! Thanks Jennifer for teaching me that. Highly recommend it for sunburns.
Wednesday was the big day. Turtles! They were so little. Padre Island National Park was a neat place and very well taken care of. Unlike, the state park, it was free of debris and the buildings were in great shape. If you were going to the beach, they gave you a big black bag to fill with trash. The rangers were nice and friendly. At 6:40 or so we got to head down to the beach for the big release. Thankfully, we got a close up view as they were put on the beach to scuttle to the sea. There were over 200 people there to celebrate the turtles. We all cheered as the first one made it out. The local news was there to film the event and Christian was asked to give his assessment of the event. He declined respectfully. We stayed until Ethan had to go to the bathroom then we scrambled to find the toilets. The visitor's center was closed because all the rangers were helping with the event so we had to find another restroom. We found the area were kayaking was popular and thought it would be great to take a small inflatable boat out there. People were wade fishing so it was quite shallow. We then toured the rest of the park and then headed for some breakfast since we had been up since 5am. Cracker Barrel was the choice Albert made since he had heard good things about there breakfasts. Great recommendation! Their bacon is delicious. After breakfast, we headed back to the hotel for some rest, a siesta. That was very refreshing. Then we went crabbin to another marsh area near Laguna Madre. We got 12 crabs that time. Note crabbing is not as good in Corpus as in Galveston. We were all hot and ready for some beach time so we headed back to Mustang Island with the idea of parking on the beach for our dinner and swim time. As soon as we started taking everything out for dinner, we saw dark clouds coming in from the west. We decided to wait and go swimming instead. It was so overcast and then is started to rain. It was so fun swimming in the rain. Then the wind got bad so we headed to the truck. Albert was watching the weather patterns online so we just waited until it past by. It was still sprinkling but the wind died down. We had our picnic and it really cooled off because of the rain. It was perfect. It was already late in the evening and so once the sun was gone, the mosquitoes rallied. Note, swimwear may be UV protective but is not mosquito proof. We got EATEN ALIVE in all the places the Off didn't cover us. By then it was 9:40 pm and the park closes at 10pm. I don't know whether we were more hurried to get out before being locked in or to get away from the blood suckers.
Thursday was time to prepare to head home. Of course, we had to stop by the beach on our way out and we had lunch and swam one last time. It was so nice. I couldn't help myself so I filled up a bucket with litter. Next time were are going to bring more gloves so each of us can help clean up. We parked next to the fresh water rinse and were able to get cleaned up before heading the 5 hrs. home. On the way home we stopped at Prasek's Smokehouse in Hillje which is near El Campo. The have the BEST BBQ. We ate chopped beef sandwiches that were the best I've had. We already get the sausage from HEB since they carry the brand but got some to take home. We tried their seasoned pork steak, buffalo sausage, jalepeno and smoked sausage (awesome stuff). Highly recommend it! Next time I want to get one of there smoked hams to try.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Deutoronomy 6
This morning I had a wonderful time experiencing the verse about "as you walk along the way". Our family has been going on walks each morning for exercise and time together. The children and I had great discussions on hospitality, manners, the Holy Spirit, prayer, wildlife, complaining, stewardship, feeding the soul and body etc. The 45 mins. we shared led me to be thankful to the Lord for providing a way to make exercising enjoyable and worthwhile.
The One True God by Paul Washer
We concluded our study last night at the Frye's. What a great study! All about God and His Word. We will miss our time with the Spear's, Justin, David, the Willie's, and the Frye's. Thanks again Frye's for your hospitality.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Laundry soap making day
For mom, it was make more laundry detergent time. Our well water is extremely full of minerals (I hope it is minerals...). So, our whites were coming out dingy. I bought some Tide for the whites but decided with this new batch I'd double the strength to make up for the water issues. I'll let you know how it works out. The cost for this is soooo inexpensive! I bought 2 bars of Fels-Naptha from Kroger at $1.19 each. I also had left over washing soda and Borax from my last batch. My last batch lasted 9 months!! I am so thankful.
checklists and chores
I love checklists. Christian loves them too. We feel so in control using them. Today we worked on chore rescheduling. Albert and I discussed a resolution concerning kitchen duties. We had been experiencing great delay due to the fact the co laborers were slacking so that the others would get the job done. We went back to the timer method which helped but we decided on a modified approach. Using the choosing by lot method, and a nifty list of duties, we scheduled out monthly for certain tasks. For example, unload dishwasher is breakfast time task. Each child has the duty for a month. So Ethan will be responsible for the month of June to daily unload the dishwasher. The list of duties is for all morning and evening meal related needs in the area of mopping, sweeping, counters cleared and wiped, table set, and dishes put away. I'll keep you updated as to the success of this new approach.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Last night a friend from church named Emily told me about organics at great prices at Costco. Well, the Proverb came to mind "she gets her food from afar" so I headed over there with Hubby's blessings. Very important aspect is the blessings. See I am a recovering shopaholic. No, really. In years past, I could have spent $500 easy at Costco. So many things and so much of it! But thankfully, as part of my sanctification, the Lord is working in me and teaching me stewardship. It was so neat to be allowed to go there (Kara went with me so glad He's training her too) and still maintain self control. I love how the Lord teaches and then only at the appropriate time He allows us to overcome. I was very thankful for finding so many products I needed at very good prices. I plan on going twice a month. Costco has a friend referral system so if this appeals to your need, don't forget to give them my info- name and address when you sign up. You and I will get the same gift card (nice).
Thursday, June 3, 2010
This is not a swamp, no it is not a creek bed, it is right out our front door back in 2006. My godson, Tyler, is being rescued by his sister, Krissy as he had sank up to mid chest in our mud/quicksand. He was being threatened by her that we were about to call the fire dept. for help. Ethan is seconds from needing some assistance as well.
old pics

The Pedersen's inspired me to post some old family photos.
This was taken from our hotel days before we left HI to come back to TX. Christian is standing at the window, amazing huh. He had strawberry blonde hair when he was little too.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
great, easy recipe Sticky Pecan Pie Bars
Back when we went to Cypress Top, I picked up a recipe they had available. It is sooooo good. It is a great dessert for the last minute. I can't wait to bring it for church. Here it is:
Sticky Pecan Pie Bars
1 box yellow cake mix (do not follow directions on the box)
1 stick melted butter
1 egg
combine, press into 13x9 pan (I used glass) and bake at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes, until light golden brown
3/4 cup dark corn syrup ( I only had light corn syrup so I used 1/2 of it and added 1/4 of molasses)
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 cup chopped pecans
Pour into browned crust; bake at 350 for another 22-25 minutes until filling is set. Cool completely (we ate them warm)
(We ate ours with a can of whipped cream)
Sticky Pecan Pie Bars
1 box yellow cake mix (do not follow directions on the box)
1 stick melted butter
1 egg
combine, press into 13x9 pan (I used glass) and bake at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes, until light golden brown
3/4 cup dark corn syrup ( I only had light corn syrup so I used 1/2 of it and added 1/4 of molasses)
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 cup chopped pecans
Pour into browned crust; bake at 350 for another 22-25 minutes until filling is set. Cool completely (we ate them warm)
(We ate ours with a can of whipped cream)
Mr. Huffman stained our master bath cabinets today. I'll get some pics tomorrow of the progress. Thanks so much David.
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