Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Prayer Retreat April 2008

The Women's Ministry Team from Woodland Place Baptist Church had a memorable time in the Lord at the Cramer Retreat Center in Spring, TX. Kathy, Wanda, Audra, JoAnna, Amy, Cindy, and I were blessed to be apart of what the Lord is doing at our church. We prayed, cried, laughed and ATE the entire time! JoAnna and I saw the writing on the wall when it came to discover the new leaders-Audra and Cindy! Thanks to Cindy for keeping us on task and good stewards of our time. Kathy it was so nice to get to know you. I am so glad you came even though you had to prepare for the mission trip to Romania. I know you were a blessing there. Amy your giftedness is so evident! Thanks for the wonderful breakfast. Wanda's joy in Bible teaching was so obvious to all of us after she shared her heart with us. JoAnna you have such a way of speaking the truth in love. I admire you for that. I am so thankful to have been there that weekend! Praise Him!